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How many solar batteries are needed to power a home?

Solar batteries have become an increasingly popular addition to home solar systems, offering a range of benefits for homeowners looking to maximize their energy independence and savings.

Here’s how solar batteries work and why they’re worth considering:

How do solar batteries work?

Solar batteries store excess electricity generated by your solar panels for later use. During sunny periods when your panels produce more power than you’re consuming, instead of sending that extra electricity back to the grid, it charges your battery. When the sun goes down or during periods of high energy usage, you can then draw power from the battery rather than purchasing it from the utility company.

The most common type of solar battery uses lithium-ion technology. Inside the battery, lithium ions move between a positively-charged cathode and a negatively-charged anode through an electrolyte. This movement of ions creates an electrical current that can power your home. When charging, the process reverses, allowing the battery to store energy for future use.

What are the benefits of solar batteries?

The primary benefit of a solar battery is energy independence. By storing your own solar power, you can reduce reliance on the grid and potentially avoid time-of-use rates when electricity is most expensive. Solar batteries can also provide backup power during outages, keeping essential appliances running when the grid goes down.

Why Consider a Solar Battery?

There are several compelling reasons to consider adding a battery to your solar system:

  1. Maximize self-consumption: Use more of the solar energy you produce rather than sending it back to the grid.
  2. Reduce peak demand charges: Draw from your battery during high-cost periods to lower your electricity bills.
  3. Increase energy resilience: Keep your lights on and critical appliances running during power outages.
  4. Support grid stability: By reducing your reliance on the grid, you help balance overall electricity demand.
  5. Potential financial incentives: Some areas offer rebates or tax credits for installing energy storage systems.

Why Are Enphase Batteries a Great Choice?

While there are many solar battery options on the market, Enphase stands out as an excellent choice for several reasons:

  1. Modular design: Enphase’s microinverter technology allows for a scalable, flexible system that can grow with your energy needs.
  2. High efficiency: Enphase batteries boast some of the highest round-trip efficiency ratings in the industry, meaning less energy is lost in the storage process.
  3. Reliability: With no single point of failure, Enphase systems offer enhanced reliability compared to traditional string inverter setups.
  4. Smart monitoring: Enphase’s Enlighten software provides detailed insights into your energy production, consumption, and storage.
  5. Safety: Enphase batteries use Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) chemistry, which is known for its thermal stability and safety profile.
  6. Seamless integration: Enphase offers a complete ecosystem of solar and storage products designed to work together seamlessly.

LGCY Power offers the Enphase battery system, and by choosing an Enphase battery, you’re investing in a cutting-edge, reliable solution that can help you maximize the benefits of your solar installation while increasing your energy independence and resilience.

How many solar batteries would you need to power your home?

The answer is… it depends. LGCY Power can walk you through your energy consumption needs and help you determine the number of batteries that would make sense.

Solar batteries are a powerful tool for homeowners looking to take control of their energy usage and costs.

LGCY Power teams up to support Operation Underground Railroad

LGCY Power is making a difference not just with solar and clean, renewable energy, but in other ways. In fact, the folks at LGCY Power believe in giving back, committing their time, energy, and funds to causes all over the world.


One such charitable cause is Operation Underground Railroad.


Operation Underground Railroad, or O.U.R., “paves the way for permanent eradication of child sex trafficking” according to their website,


In their six years of existence, Operation Underground Railroad rescued well over 4,100 children from trafficking and slavery, as well as helping to put 2,300 traffickers behind bars.


We can’t think of a more noble and important cause, so everyone at LGCY Power came together to offer our collective support. We actually set up a system where LGCY Power sales representatives could donate to O.U.R. directly from their commission checks, with LGCY Power matching their donations dollar-for-dollar!


So far, we’ve raised $36,387 (and counting!) in donations, with not only our sales team but admins, customer service staff, and just about every type of employee donating out of their own pockets. We never expected our whole company to take this on as a cause and chip in, but that’s exactly what happened.


We’re humbled and inspired by the big hearts and giving nature of our employees, and privileged to work with them – as well as aid an organization as benevolent as Operation Underground Railroad.


But we understand that this isn’t the time to rest on our laurels or stop the fight, as there are more children in the world who need our help, from Haiti to Cambodia, India to Mexico, and right here at home in the U.S.A.


The prevalence of civil wars, refugee displacement, and desperate poverty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has opened the doors for an increase in trafficking and child enslavement. The United Nations recently announced that human trafficking hit a 13-year high, and 29% of all trafficking victims are children.


At LGCY Power, we’re passionate about doing our part, and we won’t stop mobilizing and raising funds for organizations like Operation Underground Railroad until every child is safe and protected.


Thanks to our wonderful employees and partners for getting behind this cause, too, and thank you for your support!


Getting to Know LGCY Power: Pierce Tews

Getting to Know LGCY’s Videographer – Pierce Tews

 Here at LGCY, we’ve seen massive growth recently in our multimedia marketing department, and one huge reason for that is the work of our videographer, Pierce Tews. Pierce has been with us for about 6 months and has been a vital member of our team since day one. I sat down with him to learn more about his creative process and how he does the job he does.

Q: What do you do for LGCY?

A: I make videos of any sorts. I make marketing videos to promote the company, recruiting videos to get more sales reps, training videos… any kind of content that has to do with videography.

Q: How did you get into videography?

A: I have always had an interest for videos since I was a kid. When I was younger, my mom had a little video camera that I would take and film stuff. I would always think, “Oh that’s cool!” and so ever since I’ve tried to capture what inspires me on video.

Q: What does your work say about you?

A: I would hope that my work would say that I’m creative, passionate about what I do, that I take my time, that I don’t cut corners, and that I have a unique style. Most of all, I’d hope that it would say that I capture emotion in true moments that happen in life.

Q: Where do you fit in to LGCY’s mission?

A: I think everyone at some point in their life has watched a video that inspired them or moved them to change something, do something, or be something. LGCY’s mission is to become the best version of yourself, and I think my team and I have created a lot of videos that have inspired people to do better or have reminded of times in their careers or lives that they were living the way they wanted to be. The videos we create are reminders or inspiration to be the best version of yourself.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you?

A: There really is no typical day. It could be one of two types of days. One, I could be at an event or travelling to cover something, which includes a day full of filming… or I’m at the office, putting together the videos.

Q: What are your hobbies outside videography?

A: My favorite thing to do is to go canyoneering. One of my favorite places to go is in Neon Canyon in southern Utah. It’s been featured on National Geographic as one of the top 10 adventures in the world. I’ve done it twice, it’s incredible. Other hobbies are rock climbing, skateboarding, and hanging out with my dog.

Q: Who is your hero?

A: My hero is my dog Goldie. She is always so patient and sweet. You could literally do anything in the world to her and she would love you and treat you well. I wish I were like her.

Q: What motivates you?

A: I am motivated by freedom, or the ability to be free. A lot of life is spent doing things we don’t like to do or are hard to do, and at the end of our lives, we might feel “I didn’t get to do anything that I wanted to.” I’m motivated by giving myself opportunities to experience things that I’ve dreamed of doing and to give my family those same experiences.


Play Full Out

At LGCY Power, we believe in 6 Key Leadership Principles. Abiding by these principles will truly help us become better leaders and better people; can in fact, help us become the best version of ourselves.

The first Leadership Principle we stand for is to Play Full Out. What does this mean? Webster’s online dictionary defines full-out as: “made or done with as much effort as possible.” That sums it up fairly well, but what does this mean for us? It could mean going a thousand miles an hour all the time, doing 52 things at once, never putting your phone down, answering 3 texts, 6 emails, and a voicemail simultaneously, eating energy bars and Red Bulls in the car between appointments, knocking just one more door, then one more, then another. It could mean all these things, and in a lot of ways, it does. This is what playing full out can look like.

It can be more than this. Not doing more, but meaning more. Playing Full Out means knowing what you want; what your goals are, what your essential purpose is, and being entirely committed to getting what you want. It means that if you don’t know this yet, you devote the time and energy you deserve to figuring it out.

Playing Full Out means being so focused on your goals – on your vision – that you don’t allow yourself to get pulled into things that are distracting, things that don’t matter, things that will pull you away from where you want to be.

Playing Full Out means that you are willing to do things that you don’t necessarily want to do, that you are scared to do, that you have never done before, and doing them anyway.

Playing Full Out means that you are willing to risk failure or embarrassment or whatever it takes to achieve your goals.

Playing Full Out means surrounding yourself with people who encourage your dreams and are willing to help you get them. It means removing from your life people who are draining, negative, or naysayers.

Playing Full Out means understanding that thoughts become words and words become actions, and keeping them positive, supportive, appreciative, and enthusiastic of others and of myself.

Playing Full Out means that you acknowledge your limits and will say no when you have to, so you don’t let others down.

Playing Full Out means that you play as hard as you work. It means allowing yourself time to relax and recharge. It means taking time to indulge in your hobbies, and enjoying your actual play time.

5 Ways to Save On Your Electric Bill

People are always looking for ways to save a bit here and there, and on a bill that can at times skyrocket like your electric bill, sometimes the difference can be astonishing. Take a look at some of these tricks we came up with to save a little money, and we hope you can start implementing them in your daily routine to keep your wallet fat!


  1. Ceiling Fans are Your Friend

One of the keys to getting your electric bill down is using fewer watts, which is how we measure electric energy. Central air conditioners are going to use about 2,000 watts, while a ceiling fan will use only about 75. Ceiling fans will create the same chilling effect than an AC provides, but for a huge saving in energy. Just be sure to turn the ceiling fan off when you leave the room!

  1. No More Leaky Faucets

We all have had those sinks that just drip and drip and drip and drip. It’s annoying, but that’s usually not motivation enough to actually get up and do it. Let the savings be what convinces you. An average leak can end up wasting 10,000 gallons of water each year, which is enough to do 270 loads of laundry. By simply fixing that leak, most homes will save about 10% on their water bill. Having a leaky faucet simply isn’t worth it. Here is a fun tutorial on ways you can fix your faucet if you are new to this.

  1. Keep an Eye Out for Appliances with the Energy Star

Energy Star is a standard for appliances that was established by the U.S. government to promote products that operate at higher energy efficiency. These products usually use 10-50% less energy than standard appliances. Is your toaster bad? Your blender not blending? Time to go for a new one, and this time with the Energy Star logo.

  1. Low Flow Showerheads

Although the proper suggestion would be to take shorter showers, we all know that we don’t think quite as logical when it’s 7:30 am and we are getting hit with that amazing, steaming water on our backs. But by switching to low flow showerheads, you end up saving large amounts of water while still being able to comfortably shower like usual. Normal showerheads use about 3 or 4 gallons per minute, but a low flow showerhead only uses 2. Stretched over a full year, this will save you between 3,000 and 5,000 gallons. And the best part? They are priced just the same as your normal showerhead! Let the savings begin.

  1. The Magic Number to Set Your Water Heater Temperature To

Pop quiz: Do you know the temperature your water heater is currently set to? It seems like an odd question, but most water heater’s default temperature is 140 degrees. However, the suggested temperature is far lower than that- 120 degrees. This prevents the risk of scalding as well as saves you a lot of money. For every 10 degrees you turn down on your water heater, you can expect to see $30 savings annually. It also will prevent mineral buildup in your pipes, which –no surprise- end up driving up your electric bill. This is a great and really easy way to save a bit every month.

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