Go Solar with no upfront costs. Pay only for the power you produce.
Controlling your energy costs has never been easier with our Power Purchase Agreement. Our Power Purchase Agreement provides you with the predictability and upside of solar without the need to purchase or maintain the system. With our Power Purchase Agreement, the company own’s the system while you simply agree to purchase the power that it produces at a discounted rate. Let LGCY Power handle the permitting, install and maintenance of the system while you sit back and enjoy the predictably of your new power bill all while helping the environment.
We’ll guide you through the simple process below and you’ll be enjoying the benefits for your Power Purchase Agreement in no time!
- See if you and your home qualify for the program.
- Schedule your no-obligation site- survey. We will collect measurements and photos of your roof to give to our team of design engineers.
- Review your system design with your LGCY Power representative.
- We will submit and pay for all permitting with your local building department.
- Schedule your system install (typically 1-2 days)
- Your system is inspected by your local utility.
- Turn on your system and start producing your own power!
Fill out the form below or contact one of our representatives today to see if you qualify!
System Owner: Solar Company
- Locked in rate. Lower than utility monthly payment.
- Maintenance, monitoring and insurance.
- Product & workmanship warranty
- Benefits from tax credits and incentives
Contact A Solar Representative To Learn More